Aroma pastille “Heiße Schokolade”


Fragrance category: oriental

Ingredients: paraffin, essential oils.

Each scent melt can be divided into 3 square particles that are used separately.

 Size: 8,5 x 2,5 x 1 cm

Weight: 18 > g (+/- 2 g)

 Burn time: 12 hours

Das Duftmelt “Heiße Schokolade” ist ein echter Leckerbissen für Schokoladenkenner, die eine Diät halten. Aber Vorsicht – es regt den Appetit an! Sehr schokoladig, mit süßen Noten von Vanille und Früchten, hebt dieser Duft Ihre Stimmung und gibt Ihnen Energie.

How to use

  • Place one of the square fragrance particles in the aroma lamp. Light the candle.
  • Under the influence of heat, the paraffin will melt and fill your space with aroma.
  •  Melt the fragranced pastilles until you get the desired scent intensity. Then extinguish the candle. Wait for the paraffin to cool and harden again.
  •  The previous step can be repeated several times: each fragrance particle can spread the scent for 4 hours in the liquid state and retain it in the solid state.
  • When the fragrance has stopped scenting the space, remove the remaining wax from the aroma lamp while it is still warm and start using another fragrance.