Werkstatt “Kerzen und Wein”



Vienna Candle Manufactory is a space where candles, coffee, and wine exist in a special harmony. We had an idea to combine candle masterclasses with wine tasting.

Such masterclass is perfect for a birthday celebration, a bachelorette party, a friends gathering, or for any other occasion.

What candles we’ll make and what wine we’ll taste

Wir bereiten mehrere thematische Vorschläge für Sie vor, die Sie nach Lust und Laune auswählen können. Die professionelle Kerzenmacher der Wiener Kerzenmanufaktur führen Sie von Anfang bis Ende beim Herstellungsprozess einer Kerze.

We also took care of the harmonious combination of wine and candles in such a workshop so that they can emphasize the distinctive features of each other. And be sure, the only thing that lasts longer than the pleasure of our workshop is the light of a homemade candle.



Disclaimer! All participants of the masterclass should be 18+ years old. Prior registration is required.

Duration: 1.5–2 hours

Cost: 50 Euro/person, pre-payment is required

Number of participants: maximal 12 Personen

Additional information


29 September, 18:00